2025 Startup Mendocino 5th Anniversary Logo

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost to become a client?

There is no cost to become a client. Advising services are always free. West Center is a non-profit organization funded through several government and private agency grants, which underwrite the cost of our services. So book your orientation call today and get started with your dream business now!

I want to start a business. What are my first steps?

The best place to start is to contact West Center at 707-964-7571! We have a team of expert business advisors who are ready to help you turn your dream into reality. In addition to one-on-one no-cost confidential counseling, our organization offers business startup training programs, referrals to specialist advisors, and guidance on where to find funding!

I’m interested in becoming a client. What do I need to do?

Call our Customer Care Specialist at 707-964-7571 who will set up an orientation call and gather details about your business and particular situation. Following that initial call, the Customer Care Specialist will direct you to a business advisor who will answer your specific questions.