2025 Startup Mendocino 5th Anniversary Logo

Frequently Asked Questions

When do applications for the program open?

The application portal opens at 8:00AM on Monday, January 8, 2024.




When will the participants be announced?

The final participants will be announced on Friday, February 16 2024 .




How do I apply for the program?

The application form will be available on our website on Monday, January 8 at 8:00am.




Who do I call if I need help filling out the application?

Please call West Center at 707.964.7571 and request assistance with your application.




Who do I call if English is not my first language?

Please call West Center at 707-964-7571 x2 for Spanish language assistance.




Is this open only to West Business Development Center clients?

No, this program is open to any business in Mendocino County that fits the eligibility requirements.




If I have questions, who should I contact?

Your contact for the course is Laura Brooks, laura@westcenter.org.

Is there a completion date for the course?

Yes. You must complete the course by Friday, February 16, 2024 at 5:00pm.

Can I take the course more than once?

Yes but you will receive only one $150 stipend.

What score do I need to complete the course?

You need to get 100% on each quiz to complete the course.