2025 Startup Mendocino 5th Anniversary Logo

Frequently Asked Questions

As a sole proprietor, can I apply for the program?

Yes, you can apply but you will need to provide a Fictitious Business Name as part of your application.

If I complete the program and meet all the requirements, when will I get the grant?

Once you have completed the training program and have gotten your licensing and permitting in order to operate legally in California, you can apply. Grants will be disbursed on a rolling basis. All grant funds will be dispersed by December 31, 2022.

When does the training program start and end?

The program begins on August 3, 2022 and ends on October 5, 2022.

What does the training program entail?

The training program is ten (10) weeks with a 90-minute webinar once per week. All classes will be online.

What if my business began where I have a business license in 2018 but business operations did not commence until 2020, can I still apply?

No, the business license registration must be after to July 1, 2019.

What is a small business?

A small business means a business with 5 employees or less and $1 million or less in annual receipts.

I own two businesses with different names. Can I apply for each business?

No. In order to maximize funding, the program can only accept one application per person.

My business is in a county other than Mendocino or Lake. Can I apply?

Yes. Please contact the Small Business Development Center for your area.

I have a non-profit business. Can I apply?

No. Non-profit businesses are not eligible.

I have a cannabis business. Is that eligible?

No. Cannabis businesses are not eligible for the program.