Business Loan Fast Track

Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Location: Online Zoom Webinar
Business Loan Fast Track

Are You Loan Ready?

Being loan ready is more than just filling out a loan application.

It’s about understanding your risk profile from a lender’s perspective, presenting a sound plan with realistic claims and defensible projections, and communicating how the funds will positively impact your net income.

This webinar will introduce interested participants to the Business Loan Fast Track program at West Business Development Center.

Please join this informational session for application details!


As a former owner of Mendocino Mustard®, Mike has first-hand knowledge of the challenges faced by small business owners, especially when operating within rural, remote counties.  Bringing years of for-profit experience within sales, management, and small business ownership, Mike hopes to make an impact within our community by helping others succeed.  He previously served as an Independent Business Advisor for the West Company, the predecessor of the West Business Development Center. Mike earned a BA in History, from the University of California, Berkeley and an MBA from St. Mary’s College of California, School of Economics and Business Administration.